CFRS.   It’s a state of mind, it’s a state of being. Sometimes it is sunshine on a crisp clear day, sometimes it is a gentle rain nourishing the ground and sometimes it is a rogue wave in a raging ocean storm. It is always me. It was handed down through a long lineage of strong, confident, loving and capable women.

Instead of controlling it, I am learning to grow into it. I bobbed along for a while, always searching for something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. I still search….I think that’s what it is about. That’s not to say there is one regret. Every step along the way taught a unique and valuable lesson and put me on a path that brought me right where I belong. I’ve lived a multitude of lifetimes’ worth of adventure and excitement in my years so far – I know I am one of the lucky ones.

This is about my journey now. A quest for information and points of interest. A search for more questions. Nothing written here is about or instruction for anyone else and what they ‘should’ choose for their life. All are welcome to observe and participate. None are welcome to judge. My statements are not judgments about anyone else and their choices. People will disagree and are welcome to, just no judgment – if that is what you need or are about, there are plenty of man-made groups and options out there – go join those.

My name is Christy and I’m CFRS. I’m married to my sweet hubby that taught me that chivalry is not dead or hiding among the weak. He also taught me that strong men are not intimidated by and can love strong independent women and still be men. (I knew it, I had just forgotten because of all the bad choices I made for years and years). He taught me that there was someone who ‘GOT it’. He makes me smile every single day. We both married for our first time around 40 and determined kids (except our fantastic nieces, nephew and friends’ kids) were not on our road map. We both come from incredibly amazing families with strong values and big hearts. We love to travel and explore new places.

This part of my journey is about understanding humanity and spirituality, finding the divinity within myself, making better choices on all kinds of subjects, maintaining a higher level of peace and mindfulness, having intellectual discussions, exploring opportunities and finding ways to impact the greater good on all levels – making ripples that turn into waves! Positively. These posts are about the things that will get me there or spark an interest – some will be deep and most definitely will not. It’s the collection that makes it unique.

Positively, CFRS.

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